

Please note that in providing survey responses to Oman LNG LLC and LinkedIn under any Glint surveys, you acknowledge that

(i) Oman’s designated partner New Metrics LLC, with an address at Office 24, Level 2, MIC Building, Al Khuwair Street, AlKhuwair, P.O Box 115, PC 104, Muscat, Oman will have at least one license to access the survey results in its capacity as Oman LNG’s agent. New Metrics in partnership with Oman LNG will be responsible for managing any user inquiries, routing tech support issues to the correct LinkedIn Support channel and promoting the use of Glint’s survey, and driving engagement

(ii) New Metrics will have the authority to view the survey responses and data as processed by LinkedIn via the standard Glint platform on behalf of and together with Oman LNG

(iii) any queries on the relationship between Oman LNG and New Metrics, can be addressed to New Metrics, newmetrics@omanlng.co.om